Rule 1 #
The name of the organization is Indian Journalists Union
Rule 2 #
The objects of the Union are:
(a) To raise the status of members of the profession of journalism;
(b) To promote a spirit of cooperation and understanding among working journalists;
(c) To promote and maintain the highest standards of professional conduct and integrity
(d) To strive for the betterment of working conditions of journalists, specially salary, tenure office and conditions of service and for prevention of socially unrelated automation;
(e) To safeguard and promote their interests generally, and in particular to assist members where necessary in securing employment;
(f) To promote amenities for recreation and scope for social and cultural activities;
(g) To build up and administer funds for the provision of legal aid, unemployment, retirement and death benefits of an allied nature;
(h) To promote wage agreements on a provincial or an all-India basis by the Union acting between the employers and the employees and provide assistance to members of the Union in the event of a trade dispute or when, in the opinion of the Union, they are being dealt with wrong;
(i) To secure representation of the Union on national and international organizations and develop friendly contacts with them;
(j) To strive for freedom of the Press;
(k) To work for and promote legislation for the welfare of working journalists;
(l) To secure facility of training of journalists on a country-wide basis and for periodic exchanges of journalists abroad;
(m) To publish official journal(s);
(n) To conduct the affairs of the Union and its constituent units on professional and trade union lines and to forge organic links with like-minded organizations of newspaper employees;
(o) To secure representation off working journalists through their representative organizations on delegations that are sent abroad by the Government of India or any state governments and also on commissions or committees set up by these on which representation of non-officials is desired and which are required to ascertain public opinion or make recommendations on the basis thereof;
(p) To affiliate unions of journalists abroad that conform to the rules and the constitution of this Union; and
(q) To engage in such other legitimate activities as are incidental or conductive to the attainment of the aforesaid objects.
Head Office
Head Office
Rule 3 #
The head office of the union shall be in New Delhi. The working office may be located at such other places as may be decided by the Union's National Executive Committee.
State Unions
State Unions
Rule 4#
The Indian Journalists Union shall consist of unions as per the list given in the first schedule of the Constitution of India, subject to such modifications by the national Executive Committee to suit special circumstances.
Rule 5#
Membership of the Union will be open to:
(i) 'Working Journalists' as defined in Section 2 (f) of the Working Journalists and other Newspaper Employees (Conditions of Service and Miscellaneous) Provision Act, !(%% and the Wage Board Awards, whether employed by Indian or foreign newspapers and news organizations or employed by Indian concerns but working outside India;
Provided that journalists employed in electronic media whose nature of work is that of working journalists a defined in the Working Journalists and other Newspaper Employees (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1955 shall also be eligible to be members of the Union.
(ii) Part-time correspondents whose principal avocation is journalism provided, however, that they produce proof in this behalf in terms of statement received from newspapers or news agencies or any other proof of employment; and
(iii) Freelance journalists whose principal avocation is journalism.
(iv) Proprietors and directors or Managing Editors and other persons having proprietary interest shall not be eligible for membership; provided, however, a proprietor who has no other employee on his editorial staff, shall not be debarred; provided his principal avocation of life is journalism.
Members of cooperative concerns of journalists shall be deemed to have proprietary interest except where they are employed mainly in managerial or administrative capacity.
Rule 6#
There shall be three categories of members:
(a) Ordinary Member: persons not less than 18 years of age who are qualified under Clause 5 and who have worked as journalists for at least one year.
(b) Life Members: members who retire from work on account of age, infirmity or who have done outstanding service to the profession of the organization. A list of member/Register shall be maintained by the Union under the provision of trade Union Act, 1926.
(c) Honorary Members: persons who are admitted to membership for their outstanding service to trade union movement in the newspaper industry.
Right Of Members
Right Of Members
Rule 7#
members after giving seven days' notice to the office-bearers concerned shall have the right to see, not more than once a month, the membership register, the minutes of the general meeting and accounts but not other files of the Union.
Dispute over Membership
Dispute over Membership
Rule 8#
A dispute may be raised over the bona fides of a member and redressal obtained in the following manner:
(a) The National Executive Committee shall be authority to decide upon all disputes of membership of individuals. It may appoint a sub- committee from amongst its members to facilitate this task.
(b) Any member of a State Union may refer the membership of any other member of his unit to the National Executive Committee for investigation if he feels that such member has been admitted to membership in contravention of the Constitution and Rules: Provided that the unit to which the complaint his state Union has not obtained redressal within 45 days, certified that he is a member of the unit. If the unit does not so certify the complainant member after 30 days of such a request being made, the complainant member may directly approach the National Executive Committee.
(c) In case the NEC is of the opinion that a person admitted to membership of the State Union is not entitled to be so admitted, it shall not record such a decision before giving an opportunity to the person against whom the com plaint has been raised to state in writing his reply on the grounds on which the NEC considers him ineligible for admission to membership. The NEC shall decide all questions relating to the disputed membership within 60 days from the receipt of the complaint. If no such decision is taken the NEC shall be deemed to have accepted the membership of the person against whom the dispute has been raised.
(d) The NEC can suo motto any person dented membership to a state union may file an appeal to the NEC.
(e) An appeal shall lie with the National Executive Committee to deny membership.
(f) An appeal shall lie with the National Council against the decision of the NEC to deny membership.
Right of Central and State Organisations
Right of Central and State Organisations
Rule 9#
The union will consist of such registered state union as are granted recognition in accordance of the constitution.
Rule 10#
A union may be formed in any state of India where there are not less than 7 full members. It will have the power derived from the National Council to admit members not belonging to or working in the State it has not been found possible to form a Union in any neighbouring State.
A union may be formed outside India by 7 Indian working journalists and it may be affiliated to the union if it satisfies the condition of its constitution.
Rule 11 #
Any provision in the constitution of a State Union of the union which is inconsistent with or repugnant to the spirit of the constitution shall, to that extent, be null and void.
Rule 12 #
No person shall be member of more than one state union at the same time
Rule 13 #
Application for membership shall be in writing and in the form prescribed by the NEC. It shall be signed by a proposer and secondor and shall be accompanied by the first instalment of the subscription.
Rule 14#
The membership may be revoked or suspended at any time by the State Union with intimation to the NEC. The aggrieved members has the right of the appeal to the NEC against the decision of the NEC against the decision of the State Union.
Rule 15#
Any dispute regarding the qualification of the fitness of any person for any class of membership shall be decided by the State Executive Committee concern and its decision shall prevail State Union a decision is taken by the NEC which shall be final.
Rule 16#
A person applying for membership shall seek membership of the union within those jurisdictions he is working.
Rule 17#
On transfer of member, from one place to other he will be entitled to become member of new State Union. He will not be required to pay any fee other than transfer fee, if there are no dues against him in the State Union from which he is seeking transfer.
Rule 18 #
A state Union shall have the right to define in its constitution the conditions governing transfer of a member from one district branch to another under its jurisdiction.
Rule 19#
The Executive Committee of a state union with information to the union may terminate the membership of any person
(a) He or she defaults in payment of subscription and
(b) Is removed or suspended from membership or otherwise disqualified to remain a member.
Rule 20 #
If a member subscription is in arrears for three consecutive months, beyond the period due he or she shall lose the rights and privileges of membership. In case of unemployment, sickness or other causes the NEC or council may relax the rules at its discretion.
Rule 21#
The State union shall maintain a register of all its members with particulars of the place of their residence and work and full names. The register shall be opened to inspection by any member or office bearer of the union at its office during office hours on any working day.
National Council Rule
National Council Rule
Rule 22#
(a) The National Council shall consist of 150 members elected by the ordinary members of the respective State unions besides the Presidents and General Secretaries of such State unions in the manner approved by the NEC. The NEC shall determine the proportion of representation to each State union on the basis of their approved membership. Each State union shall communicate to the Secretary General the lists of the National Council Members within 15 days of holding elections and the Secretary General shall thereafter notify within 15 days the constitution of the National Council.
(b) There shall be a National Executive Committee not more than 27 members including the President, 3 Vice Presidents, a Secretary General, 6 Secretaries and a Treasurer.
(c) The IJU representatives in the Press Council of India, the CPAC and IJU representatives in any international body in which the IJU is an affiliate of associate shall be members of the NEC.
(d) The President and the Secretary-General shall be elected by the primary members through secret ballet and simple majority. Provided that no person shall be elected as President or Secretary General for more than two consecutive terms.
(e) Three Vice Presidents, six secretaries, the treasurer and other members of the National Executive Committee shall be elected by the members of the National Council at the Plenary/delegate session in the manner and by the rules framed by the National Executive Committee.
(f) The election of the members of the National Executive Committee shall be by proportional representation, single transferrable vote system.
(g) The National Executive Committee shall co-opt four members, at least two of them should be women, after the election in the manner it thinks best to give representation to interests which may go otherwise unrepresented.
Rule 23#
Vacancies in the National Executive Committee shall be filled by National Executive Committee and vacancies in the National Council shall be filled by Executive Committee of the State unions concerned.
Rule 24#
A meeting of the National Council is constitutional and valid:
(a) if it called by Secretary-General or by one of the Secretaries with the approval in writing, in either case in consultation with and approval of the President;
(b) if the meeting is presided over by the President or in his absence by one of the Vice-President; and
(c) if individual invitations with the agenda of the meeting have been sent through letter, registered letter or letter through special courier to all the members and office bearers giving not less than 15 days’ time.
Rule 25 #
Provided that in the case of a meting requisitioned in the manner hereinafter provided, if the President or the secretaries refuse to convene a meeting, the members of National Council after explaining the circumstances can jointly convene a meeting of the National Council at an agreed place for which one third of the members or office bearers of the National Council, excluding the President and the Secretary General shall constitute the quorum, and at which in the absence of the President or the Vice President, any other member may preside; provided also that in the event of an unforeseen situation necessitating immediate action, an emergency meeting may be called by the Secretary General in consultation with the President giving telegraphic information to members, where necessary and allowing not less than three clear days’ time. (Clear days means the number of days between the date of the meeting and the possible date of receiving the notice).
Rule 26#
The National Council shall meet as and when necessary; provided that at least one meeting is held one year. It shall frame its own rules for the conduct of its meeting.
Rule 27 #
Any member of the National Council or any Committee set up by it or by the general body, who is absent for more than three consecutive meetings, without obtaining permission from the President shall be deemed to have ceased to be a member.
Rue 28 #
The quorum for the meeting of the National Council is one fourth of its membership or 22, whichever is less.
Delegate Conference
Delegate Conference
Rule 29#
The Plenary Session shall be held once in two years. The election of President, Secretary General, National Council Members and delegates shall precede the Plenary Session. The delegates shall be elected by the primary members whose total number shall not exceed one third of the total number of elected National Council Members. The Plenary Session shall transact the following business.
(a) To read and confirm the minutes of the previous Plenary Session.
(b) To consider and adopt the report and audited balanced sheets for the relevant years.
(c) To consider any appeals.
(d) To take stock of the work the union and devise plans and programmes
(e) To consider any other matter of which due notice has been given or which may be brought up with the permission of the chairman of the meeting.
Rule 30#
One month's notice of Plenary Session/National Council and fifteen days’ notice of a Special conference shall be given to the members. The notice shall mention the date, hour and place of the meeting and the business to be transacted. An adjourned meeting of National Council/Plenary Session shall require no quorum.
Rule 31 #
On receipt of a requisition for special meeting the National Executive Committee shall take steps for the purpose. If it does not do so within one month from the date of the requisition and fifty members representing three states, who sent the requisition may themselves convene it.
Rule 32#
(a) All decision of National Council/Plenary Session shall be by the vote of a majority the members present. The President or the member presiding shall have a casting vote in case of a tie in addition to his own vote.
(b) The Secretary General in consultation with the President may circulate by post any important business for the opinion on of the National Executive Committee. The decision of the Committee in such cases will have to be confirmed later by an ordinary meeting of the National Executive Committee.
Rule 33#
Voting by proxy is not permitted.
Rule 34#
National Council/Plenary Session will have the right to suspend, disqualify or remove from membership, any state union, for any period, or any members who acts or has acted contrary to the interest; and objects of the Union. Any decision of National Council/Plenary Session, under this clause, shall be by a majority of two thirds of the members present and voting.
Provided that the member concerned shall be given at least three weeks’ notice of these processing, with the charges against him specified and shall have the right to be heard in person or by proxy.
Provided also that no proxy shall be heard unless National Council/Plenary Session by a bare majority signifies its willingness to hear the proxy.
Rule 35#
The delegates' conference shall meet after the end of two years but in any case not later than 30 months from the date of previous session.
Rule 36#
The National Executive Committee shall decide the date and venue of the delegates’ conference. It shall draw up the agenda of the conference.
Rule 37#
The President and the Secretary General shall be elected by the primary members at the headquarters of local or state state unions or through postal ballot by the State Unions in the manner prescribed by the National Executive Committee.
Rule 38#
(a) Every State Union shall be entitled to send delegates not exceeding one third of the total National Council Members elected from such state, subject to the condition that it shall be minimum of one delegate.
(b) The delegates shall be elected by State Union in accordance with the procedure prescribed by the National Executive Committee.
(c) The National Executive Committee shall draw up a detailed schedule for submission of nomination papers for scrutiny and election to the posts of President and secretary General, the National Council and delegates and shall intimate this to the State Unions.
(d) The Plenary Session shall decide its own procedure.
Special General Meeting
Rule 39#
(a) A special meeting of delegates shall be held when the National Executive Committee or the National Council decides to hold such a meeting to discuss important problems effecting the working journalists or emergencies.
(b) A motion of no-confidence in the National Executive Committee or any member thereof or in the National Council as a whole is to be dealt with as provided in this Constitution.
Rule 40#
A Special meeting will be presided over by the President of the Union, unless a motion of no-confidence is pending against him, in which case, or his absence, one of the vice Presidents shall take the chair. One of the delegates will be elected to preside, if the no-confidence motion is against the entire council.
Rule 41#
When a resolution other than a no-confidence motion is sought to be moved at a special meeting, the notice shall be of not less than even days.
Requisitions of Meeting
Rule 42 #
The following conditions shall be observed in regard to the requisition of meetings.
(a) Any twenty five per cent members of the National Council can requisitioning writing a meeting of the National Council to discuss a definite urgent matter of importance and it shall be obligatory on the part of the Secretary General and the President to convene a meeting within four weeks or receiving the requisition.
(b) By a resolution passed by them, any four state executive committees representing twenty per cent of the Indian Journalists Union membership can requisition a special delegates’ meeting to discuss a definite urgent matter of importance and it shall be obligatory on the Secretary General and the President to convene such a meeting within six weeks of receiving the requisition.
(c) The state Unions may make their own rules in this regard and shall be competent to lay down in their constitution rules governing requisition of meetings of branch state Unions and of State Unions, if any.
(d) On receipt of a requisition for a special delegates meeting, the President and the Secretary General shall take steps for the purpose. If they do not do so within one month form the date of requisition any five hundred members representing three state unions, who sent the requisition, may themselves convene it.
Rule 43 #
The following conditions shall govern motions of no confidence.
(a) A no confidence motion against the National Executive Committee or any of its members can be moved only at a national meeting convened for the purpose.
(b) A no confidence motion against the National Council can be moved only at a special delegates conference convened for the purpose.
(c) A no confidence motion in order to be successful shall secure the majority of two thirds of the members of the National council or the delegates as the case may be.
Rule 44 #
(a) All elections under the union are by the secret ballot whether for the center or the State units or for their branches and units, if any.
(b) Nominations for elections, proposed and seconded by members, should reach the office in the manner prescribed.
(c) Each member shall cast as many votes as there are seats, provided that it shall be opened to State union to make such rules in this regard as it thinks fit.
State Unions, Branches and Units
Rule 45#
State Unions may make their own rules under their own constitutions but shall, as far as possible, observe the federal pattern. They shall also be competent to make rules for bodies affiliated with them.
Rule 46#
The constitution and rules of the affiliating State Unions shall be submitted the approval of National Executive Committee.
Rule 47#
(a) For the normal and special delegates session, there be no quorum once conditions governing them are fulfilled.
(b) The quorum for other meetings, where necessary, shall be laid down by the National Executive Committee.
Rule 48#
All office bearers shall be honorary but it shall be open to the Union to appoint paid office bearers even from among its members when they think it necessary to do so. Provided that such appointments are made only after the principle of payment has been accepted by the National Executive Committee. This provision shall not however be applied to person doing routine office work.
Rule 49#
The Standing rules shall be made by the National Executive Committee in such a manner as it think fit, but they shall be submitted for the approval of the National Council.
Rule 50#
The National Executive Committee shall have the power to issue such instructions as it thinks necessary, till standing rules or made under the various subjects concerning its organization and administration.
Rule 51#
The National Executive Committee shall, in consultation with the National Council from time to time, take steps to achieve the aims and objects laid down in Rule 2, supra.
Rule 52#
The National Executive Committee may consult any person or representatives of organizations whenever it considers necessary, in matters affecting interests of the Union.
Powers of The National Executive Committee
Rule 53#
National Executive Committee shall meet at least once in a quarter and four times in a year. 15 clear days notice shall be given for convening of the National Executive Committee meeting. Provided that, 50 per cent plus one members of the total number of National Executive Committee members can requisition an emergency meeting of the National Executive Committee and such a meeting can be convened with a notice of at least 7 clear days. The following are the powers of the National Executive Committee in addition to the powers enumerated in other clauses of the Constitution.
(a) Administration of the day to day affairs and funds of the union shall be in the hands National Executive Committee and shall be subject to the general direction of the National Council.
(b) If within three weeks after the general elections of a state union, a memorandum signed by not less than 50 per cent of the full members of the state union is received by the National Executive Committee alleging use of unfair means or malpractices by any section or group in the Union, in order to influence elections, or the National Executive Committee is otherwise satisfied, after full enquiries on the spot, that the elections concerned were not fair and free, the National Executive Committee shall have the power to order fresh elections within a month and to take necessary steps for that purpose.
(c) The National Executive Committee shall have the right to examine minutes and proceedings of any state executive committee or accounts of a state union. It is also entitled to send one or more of its members as observer of observers to attend any of the meetings but not entitled to vote.
(d) The National Executive Committee may institute legal proceedings in the name of Union against any member or office bearer suspected of embezzling funds or falsifying the accounts of the Union.
(e) The National Executive Committee shall have the power to appoint a tribunal to settle disputes between State Unions and the award of the tribunal, which shall be open to revision by the National Council, shall be binding on the State Unions concerned. The tribunal may be composed of only one person who may or may not be a member of the Union.
(f) The National Executive Committee shall authorize the secretary-general to do work incidental to his office and any other duties that National Executive Committee entrust him from time to time for effective administration of the union. The Secretary General shall, subject to the approval of the National Executive Committee, have power to engage staff necessary for the working of the Union in general or for any specified purpose or purposes.
(g) The National Executive committee shall also be entitled to exercise all the powers of the national council provided the decision is take by majority of two third of the members present and voting.
(h) National Executive Committee shall nominate a maximum of eight members to the National Council for giving representation to newspaper establishments and language publications which are not represented in the National Council. The immediate Past-President and Secretary-General shall be ex-officio members of the National Council.
Powers of the National Council
Rule 54#
(a) Where the Constitution is silent or where a point of dispute arises between the federal and state Constitution, the decision of national council shall prevail, provided the points in dispute are submitted for final decision of the delegates meeting.
(b) The National Council shall have power to adjudicate on any matter of dispute in on between state unions and any award given by the council shall be final and binding on the state units concerned subject to decision of the delegate session on appeal
(c) The National Council shall have power to issue directive to the state unions. The council may suspend or dissolve a state Executive Committee or disaffiliate it where the national council is satisfied that any state union has been persistently acting contrary against the provision of the constitution or against the interest of the union or has created such condition as has made the working of the union difficult.
(d) The National Council shall make such arrangements as it considers necessary to carry on its work.
(e) The National Council can authorise the National Executive Committee to exercise any or all of its powers and the decision of the National Executive Committee shall be deemed to be the decision of the National Council. Such delegation shall be only for the term of the National Council. A new National Council when elected, shall have the right to exercise these powers or delegate them to the National Executive Committee.
(f) The National Council shall have power to investigate any complaint submitted to it in writing b y any members in regard to any trade union grievance, whether such a complaint be against another member or not. No action shall, however, be taken against any member or state union without the affected party being given a reasonable opportunity to explain and defend his/its case.
(g) The National Council shall have power to suspend any member of the Union or its units for conduct detrimental to the interest of the profession or the union and its affiliate units, subject to the approval of the delegates conference.
Explanation: “Conduct detrimental to the interests of the Union or its state Unions” shall be deemed to include disclosure to the press or to non members of the confidential business of the union or any breach of the ode of conduct aid down by the Union from time to time.
(h) The National Council shall have the power to summon any member to appear before it but it should be incumbent on the part of the Secretary General to give due notice to the member concerned of the specific purpose for which he is being summoned.
Rule 55#
The Plenary Session, the supreme policy making body of the Union, shall consist of National Council Members, Presidents and General Secretaries/Secretaries of the affiliated State Unions and Delegates as per Rule 38.
Rule 56 #
The union may raise it financial problems in following manner:
(a) Affiliate fee
(b) Quota of membership fee from the affiliate units
(c) Donations
(d) Special subscription, assessment or levy of the union
(e) Sale of periodicals or publications or revenue from advertisements
(f) Delegates fee
(g) Reception committee contribution
(h) Any other method confirming to the objects of the union
Rule57 #
(a) A annual union contribution of Rs.15/- per head shall be collected from each member of the unit and remitted to the union before such date or dates as may be specified by the secretary-general
(b) Life members may be exempted for the period during which they are unemployed.
(c) The Union may accept such donations or gifts as are offered to it.
(d) The reception committee and delegates conference of the State Union shall pay a contribution at rates as may be specified by the National Executive Committee from time to time.
(e) Every unit shall pay annually at least Rs.200 as affiliate fee.
(f) Every member of the unit affiliate to the union shall pay a contribution of Rs.5 per year to the official organ of the union.
(g) It shall be the responsibility to the State Union to collect such subscription from every member and remit it to the Union along with the quota fees.
Rule 58 #
The general funds of the Union shall not be spent on any object other than the following:
(a) Payment of salaries, allowances and expenses to the office bearers of the Union.
(b) Payment of expenses for the administration of the Union including audit of accounts of the general funds of the Union and affiliated state unions.
(c) Prosecution of defence of any legal proceedings to which the union or any branch or any member thereof, when such prosecution or defence is undertaken for the purpose of securing or protecting any rights of the Union as such or any rights arising out of the relations of any member with his employer.
(d) Conduct of labour disputes on behalf of the Indian journalists union or any of its branches.
(e) Compensation of members arising out of labour disputes.
(f) Allowances to member and their dependents on account of death, sickness, old age, accidents or unemployment of such members.
(g) Issue of or undertaking of liability under policies of assurance on the lives of members or under policies insuring members against sickness, accident or unemployment of such member.
(h) Provision of educational, social or cultural benefits for members or for the dependents of members.
(i) Upkeep of a periodical published mainly for the purpose of discussing questions affecting working journalists, journalism and problems of the press.
(j) Payment for furtherance of any of the objects for which the general funds of the Union may be spent, of contribution intended to benefit members in general: provided that expenditure in respect of such contribution in any financial year shall not, at any time during that year, be in excess of one fourth of the combined total of the gross income, which has up to that time accrued to the general funds of the Union and of the balance at the credit of those funds at the commencement of the year.
Operation of Fund
Rule 59 #
The National Executive Committee by a special resolution may open accunts in banks of repute in the name of the Union. It may authorize the Treasurer and the President or the Secretary General or one of the Secretaries to operate the same jointly.
Rule 60 #
A list of members of affiliate units shall be maintained at the office of the union and any member shall have the right to inspect the list during the office hour of the union on any working day. The lists shall be supplied by every affiliated units within 2 months from the date of general meeting of the unit concerned.
Rule 61#
- a) No member shall be entitled to participate in any proceeding of the National Council or to delegates’ conference unless he has obtained a certificate that requisite membership or delegate fee has been paid.
- b) Every delegate shall pay a fee of Rs.5 and member of National Council pay a sum of Rs.7 annually.
- c) No member shall be eligible to be member of any elective of the union if he is in arrears of subscription
Rule 62 #
A record of minutes of proceedings of the National Executive Committee, National Council, delegates’ conference and other bodies constituted under the provisions of constitution shall be maintained.
Disciplinary Action
Rule 63 #
Any member or affiliated body shall be liable to disciplinary action by the National Executive Committee of the union is in case of:
(a) Default of payment
(b) Criminal breach of trust
(c) Defiance of any resolution or a directive of delegates conference, National Executive Committee, National Council of the union
(d) Any activity or utterance prejudicial to the interest of the union or the activities serving the employers as against the interest of employees.
A member against whom there is a complaint of indiscipline shall be given a charge- sheet in the writing by the National Executive Committee and shall be asked to submit written explanation. He shall have the right to address the National Executive Committee on the subject if he so desires. The National Executive Committee shall take the decision after hearing the member concerned.
Amendment of The Constitution
Rule 64 #
The constitution of the union may be amended by delegates conference by two-third majority of the delegates present, provided no amendment shall be made without a scrutiny by the National Executive Committee.
Rule 65 #
(a) Union shall not be dissolved except by a vote of three-fourth majority of delegates called in a special meeting for the purpose
(b) After dissolution the funds of the union shall be disposed off in accordance with the decision of the meeting of the delegated called for the purpose.
Rule 66 #
The fund of the union shall be kept in the custody of the bank and shall be operated according to the rules of the constitution or other standing rules
Rule 67 #
The audited balance sheet of the accounts of the union and the Journal shall be placed before the delegates’ conference along with the report of the auditor for approval. The account book of the union shall be open for inspection by members during office hours which will be intimated by the National Executive Committee from time to time.
Rule 68 #
As per Trade Union Act, 1926 (Section22) any outsider may be admitted as ordinary member of the union.
Rule 69#
No fine whatsoever shall be issued upon to any member.
Rule 70#
Accounts of the union shall be audited as per TU Act, 1926
List of members and book of accounts shall be inspected by any member or office bearers after giving three days notice to the Secretary-General
Union shall abide by code of discipline.